Thinking about trying stand up comedy? Already doing some standup up but need a consistent place to get on stage? We’re proud to have a supportive staff and an awesome group of comics performing on our open mic, so relax, grab some friends and have a great time. Read below for sign up instructions.

If you’re not ready yet, the show’s free so come by, hang out, grab a drink, talk to some of the comics, and check out the show.


Here’s how the open mic works. We have open mics 7 nights a week, 365 nights a year.

What time? On Sun, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat the Open Mic happens after the last regular show of the night. Usually that means 9:30pm on Sun, Wed, Thurs and 11:30pm Fri and Sat. On Monday and Tuesday, we usually don’t have a regular show so the Open Mics usually start at 8pm. Holidays or special shows might affect those times. Check the open mic sign up reel each week on Instagram for time changes.

To be on the mics shows you need to sign up ahead of time. Do not call the box office with questions about the open mic list.

If you just want to watch the open mic just show you. Tickets are free at madhousecomedyclub.com or you can just walk up to the door with a valid, state issued photo ID. We’re 21+ for the open mic.

Our Open Mic sign ups take place on Instagram. Use your mobile device to find Mad House Comedy Club on Instagram. If you’re having problems finding us, use the search function to search for @madhousecomedyclub Find the most recent Mic Sign Up Reel.

The Mad House Open Mic Performance Week runs Mon thru Sunday. The SIGN-UP DAY is on the Sunday PRIOR to the week starting.

Again, the day to sign up to perform is Sunday. You have all day Sunday. A full 24hrs. Set an alarm. Ask your friends to set an alarm. If you don’t have any friends, ask your Mom to remind you. Set 2 alarms. Whatever you must do in order to sign up, do that. Because if you don’t sign up on Sunday you won’t be able to perform on any of the nights that week. There are no pop ins. There is no Alternate List.

Please pay careful attention when requesting to perform on Sunday’s. Example. If you sign up to perform on all 7 nights of the week on Sunday The Sign Up Day…you’d be signing up for Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and the FOLLOWING Sunday. You can’t sign up on Sunday the Sign Up Day and then show up to the club that same night to perform.

If you want to perform on the mic shows, follow these steps:

  1. Find the current sign up reel on the Mad House Instagram page.
  2. Make a comment with your first and last name. If you use a stage name, give us your real first and last name along with the terrible stage name you go by.
  3. Tell us which nights you want to perform.
  4. Repost mic sign up on your Instagram story and tag us at @madhousecomedyclub.
  5. Do not call the comedy club for anything. Step 5 is soooo easy. All you have to do on this one is NOT pick up your phone and call the comedy club :)



Signing up for nights you don’t show up creates problems with the lineup, for the hosts, for the bookers, and for the poor person processing the hundreds of requests each week. If you casually say, “All 7 nights” and don’t show up for all 7 nights you’re a bad person.

If you sign up for a spot you don’t show up, including being late, you won’t be able to perform the rest of that week. If you only signed up for one night, or you miss that last night of the week, the penalty will be on the following week.

“What would happen if I was in a car wreck? Or, what happens if I get called into work, or I go into labor, or Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ asked me to go save an orphan held for ransom by a suddenly resurrected Osama Bin Laden?”  It doesn’t matter. You’re off the rest of that week. You’ll be welcomed back next week with open arms.

There are too many comics, too many nights, too many individual sets, sometimes more that 400, for us to make individual judgments about who wasn’t here for whatever reason. If you miss it…we’ll see you next week.


Everyone gets up. If you sign up you’ll go onstage.

You can sign up for one night, some nights, or all 7 nights.

The line ups are done right before the show. We don’t accept requests to go up early or late.

Just tell us which nights you want to perform.  Nothing extra. No need for a “please”, or “anything available” or “Tuesday or Wednesday whatever works”.

We need your first and last name, so we know who’s onstage. We don’t know your IG handle and we don’t want to stop and search for a real name.

Last important note. Don’t call the comedy club for any open mic questions. Ever.

Here are a couple sign-up examples.


Bill Burr – All 7 nights

Kevin Hart – Mon, Thurs, Sat.

Scott Thompson aka Carrot Top – Mon only


Hi Mad House. I’m working Tues and Wed, but I might get off early Wed. Can I get a late spot-on Wed and an early spot Tuesday and also Friday if you have room. Just let me know. Make the host bring me up as FRRRT. My friends know me as FRRRT. Anyway, let me know.


Don’t call the box office with open mic questions. Scientific studies have shown conclusively there is a connection between calling the box office with open mic questions and a sudden onset of a rare form of airborne gonorrhea.

The Mad House staff is always paying attention to the open mic. They won’t be there to give feedback, notes or advice on everyone’s sets. If you do great onstage one night that won’t necessarily mean they’re lining up to make you a regular. If you bomb, don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you’re in the doghouse. The staff at the club is simply looking to see who’s showing up, trying hard and, of course, who’s consistently killing it onstage. They will select those comedians for other opportunities at the Mad House such as becoming a Mad House Regular, hosting opportunities, spots on other shows at the Mad House.

  • Sets are usually 3min but could be a little longer depending on how many comedians we have on the shows.
  • Sets are uncensored
  • If you go over the time you will be played off stage.
  • Check in with the host when you arrive at the club.

There is no two drink min for the open mic shows, and there is never a two drink min for any performing comedian at the Mad House Comedy Club regardless of the night or show.

Last and most important.