Open Mic
Thinking about trying stand up comedy? Ready to take the leap? We’re proud to have a supportive staff and an awesome group of comics performing on our open mic, so relax, grab some friends and come have a great time. Read below for sign up instructions.
If you’re not ready yet, the show’s free so come by, hang out, grab a drink, talk to some of the comics, and check out the show.
PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE CLUB BOX OFFICE PHONE NUMBER WITH OPEN MIC QUESTIONS. All the info you need is right here on this page. If you have unanswered questions, come to the open mic and speak with some of the comedians on the shows. The Mad House doesn’t charge anything for comics to perform or for people attend the open mic shows. Calling the box office with open mic questions while we are trying to serve the paying customers that keep the club going is crazy frustrating and has led to 13 preventable deaths.
Here’s how the open mic works. We have open mic every Tuesday night at 8pm.
We’ve moved our Open Mic sign ups to Instagram. Use your mobile device to find @madhousecomedyclub on Instagram. Find the most recent Open Mic Sign Up Reel and make a comment tell us if you’re coming Tuesday. Be sure to leave your first and last name. There is no drawing. If you sign up we’ll get you onstage. Instagram>MadHouseComedy page>Reels>Comment on the most recent Open Mic Sign Up Reel. The sign up day is Sunday. The cutoff time for sign ups is 4pm.
If you’ve missed the sign up time there is a second way onto the open mic shows. If your name was not selected you can physically show up at the club, and sign up in person, on the “alternate list”. The alternate list is not a guarantee. When comedians who have spots on the show don’t show up, or we have extra time, the host will pull comedians from the alternate list. Sometimes they make it through the entire alternate list, and sometimes they don’t get to it at all. The alternate list is made available for sign ups a short time before the start of open mic . To use the alternate list, you have to physically be at the club, you can’t add your name via phone/email etc.
The Mad House bookers, hosts of the open mic, and staff all pay attention to who is consistently doing great on the open mic, who’s working hard to get better. They will select those comedians for other opportunities at the Mad House such as becoming a Mad House Regular, hosting opportunities, spots on other shows at the Mad House. No one is getting bumped or downgraded for bombing, which is a normal part of learning stand up, so don’t worry about that. So long as comedians are working hard and trying their best everyone is going to be happy.
Note a few things.
· Sets are 3- 5 min depending on how many comedians we have on the shows.
· Sets are uncensored.
· If you go over the time you will be played off stage.
· Check in with the host when you arrive at the club.
· The order comedians will go onstage is made by the host, at show time. Please do not call the comedy club and ask when your time slot is, as the box won’t know.
· Please do not call the club to see if you’re on the show.
· There is no two drink min for the open mic shows, and there is never a two drink min for any performing comedian at the Mad House Comedy Club regardless of the night or show.